Thursday, October 31, 2019

Are Kids Who Kill Victims or Offenders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Are Kids Who Kill Victims or Offenders - Essay Example Lassiter (1998) believes that by analyzing motivations, categorizing traits and an emphasis of situations juvenile killers can be of certain broad types. There are the Gang killers, these are kids who grow up in an environment of violence and hence learn to adapt violent reactions in their daily lives. Fifteen year old Willie Bosket, who had committed over two thousand crimes in New York which included stabbing several people with the intention to kill, was such a child (Katherine Ramsland). Debra Niehof, a neuroscientist, with her research on the connection between violence and the brain suggests â€Å"that violence is the result of a developmental process, a lifelong interaction between the brain and the environment."  Her research leads us to conclude that these kids are merely acting out patterns that they have picked on from their environment. The next category is that of kids who kill members of their family intentionally. They are pressurized, abused, hated, neglected and d o so for the desire to gain. A famous example is that of a fourteen year old Chinese boy who killed his family, stabbing his mother, father and grandfather multiple times simply because he believed he was not well taken care of. Cult killings rise mostly because of adolescent association to satanic symbols and the firm and clandestine connection the kids perceive to have with another world. 16 year- old Roderick Ferrell killed his girlfriend’s parents so that he could steal their car and provide a ride for the members of his vampire cult. This association with the cult is so strong that it envelops the child into believing that he has a license to kill, rob property or damage. The media-inspired violence falls within the formation of these cults, according to Glorio DeGaetano, with the techniques of social reinforcement used on kids that pertains to the onset of their fanatical notions. Pathology plays a key role in determining the motivation of a juvenile killer. Sam Manzie was fifteen when he raped and strangled eleven year old Eddie Werner. Upon investigation it was seem how he had been the victim of a child abuser and had hence developed signs of serious mental illness. The depression and paranoid schizophrenia due to being undiagnosed resulted in his actions (Clark, C. S. 1993). Sexual killers face similar symptoms however their actions hinge more towards a sexual assault of their victims. School killers act due to some perceived wrong done to them. Bullying plays a critical role in activating the onset of their rage (Greenya, 2001). Michael Carneal, a classic example, who was constantly picked on and taunted one day got a gun and decided to act out. He ended up killing three students. Another category is that of killings committed during another crime. Killing is not the main intention of this type however the situation escalates into one that involves murder. Fifteen year old Sandy Shaw lured a twenty four year old into the Nevada desert with the intention to rob him however the crime resulted in the victim being shot six times. Hate crimes that children indulge in are a by product of anger and hate and pent up rage. According to Tru Crime Library, two boys, 17 and 14 shot a gay man in the head and ran him over repeatedly only so they could brag to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Practicing Curiosity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Practicing Curiosity - Assignment Example In fact, he says that he successfully made his first public performance when he was only seven. This shows that he was always having the passion and desire to be a great musician (Eisen and Stanley 43). The other important thing which arouses my curiosity is Daniel’s musical style. As a pianist, he acknowledges his disapproval for the band wagon and instead, adopting and subscribing to his own school of thought. Instead of borrowing from his mentors, he opted to adopt his own peculiar style for playing his piano. He became so conventional and used to find his tempo from within his music particularly harmonic rhythm and harmony. by opting to act in such a manner, he was trying to prove to his colleagues of fans that music is a very dynamic field which does not necessarily need to be done in a similar manner. since each musician is free, they can choose their own style to adopt as they refine and make it better to appeal to their respective audience. Because of this, I would like to point out that I have really learnt a lot from this artist. Through his interview with Rose, I have known that music is a good and rewarding career if taken seriously. The interview has changed my attitude towards music. Unlike before, I now regard music as a very interesting and fulfilling career. However, for anyone to excel to the level of Daniel, they must have the required passion for it (Eisen and Stanley 27). Besides, they should be dedicated and committed to be novel and perfect in the playing of their various instruments. Lastly, it needs a high level of flexibility. Just like Daniel himself who participated in the orchestra, symphony and jazz, any artist should not be restricted to only one area. This is the only way through which they can build a reputation for

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Is Neo-Liberalism closer to Neo-Realism than it is to traditional Pluralism?

Is Neo-Liberalism closer to Neo-Realism than it is to traditional Pluralism? Is Neo-Liberalism closer to Neo-Realism than it is to traditional Pluralism? The paradigm of pluralism originated during the 1970s by writers such as Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, as they sought to establish an alternative to traditional realism. Through works such as, Transnational Relations and World Politics, and, Power and Interdependence, Keohane and Nye explained their concepts of transnationalism, multiple access channels and complex interdependence which expanded theoretical pluralism. Their analyses, which studies in these books conclude that through studying foreign policy, decision-making showed that the premise of the unitary nature of the state had now become untenable. In 1979, Kenneth Waltz, a neo-realist, introduced a new approach, through his book, Theory of International Politics, which looked at international relations in a more structural and methodological perspective, while keeping to the same state-centric view of traditional realists such as Hans Morgenthau. Neo-liberalism being the most modern of the three paradigms, established in t he 1980s, takes key concepts from both pluralism and neo-realism but goes further and incorporates the ability of cooperation occurring in an anarchical international system. In order to assess whether neo-liberalism is closer to neo-realism than it is to traditional pluralism, it is firstly important to define the three paradigms, consider the important elements of neo-liberalism and to analyse the similarities and differences it has to the other two paradigms. It is also important to examine the arguments for and against the notion of neo-liberalism being closer to neo-realism, which would help to gauge to what extent neo-liberalism is closer to neo-realism. During the 1960s and 1970s, changes to the world structure started occurring as the role of non-state actors, for example the European Economic Community and multinational companies, had greater significance. In, Transnational Relations and World Politics, Keohane and Nye argue that a definition of politics in terms of state behaviour alone may lead us to ignore important non-governmental actors that allocate view. It is clear that from a pluralistic view, states as well as non-state actors all contribute to world politics and it is this fundamental assumption, which clearly challenges and distinguishes itself from realism. Furthermore, states are not seen as the single most important actors in international politics, as they often can not regulate all other cross-border transactions. Nye argues, A good deal of intersocietal intercourse takes place without governmental controlstates are by no means the only actors in world politics. This emphasises the pluralist theory that states do not act in a unitary fashion, rather the state is fragmented and, composed of competing individuals, interest groups and bureaucracies, which shape state policy. Transnational co-operation was needed to respond to common problems and co-operation in one sector would inevitably lead to co-operation in other sectors and as a result, the effects of transnational relations are becoming more important and pervasive. In the 1970s, the liberal pluralists highlighted the understanding of non-state actors, undermining the state-centric world of realism. Keohane and Nye claimed that world politics was no longer the exclusive preserve of states and that, the growth of transnational organizations has lead to the state-centric paradigm becoming progressively inadequate, therefore a new theory called complex interdependence was introduced to run as an alternative to realism. This theory has three key assumptions the first was introduced, being that the state is not a unitary actor but there are multiple channels of access between societies. In, Power and Interdependence, Keohane and Nye argue that these channels include, informal ties between governmental elites; informal ties among non-governmental elites and transnational elites and transnational organizations. The second feature of the theory is that though military force is an important issue; from a pluralistic perspective it does not dominate the a genda. The paradigm allows for a multiple of issues to arise in international relations compared to the neo-realist concept, where it emphasises the military and security issues which dominate international politics. Pluralists have a low salience of force and believe that actors have different influences on different issue areas. Therefore pluralists argue that military power is not the only factor indicating how powerful a state is. The final assumption considers the fact that there is no hierarchy of issues; therefore any issue area might be at the top of the international agenda at any one time. This emphasises the second assumption of complex interdependence that, military security does not consistently dominate the agenda, furthermore, with the complicated interactions between various sub-state actors, the boundary between domestic and foreign politics becomes obscure, such that traditionally low political issues, for example the environment and the economy take greater signif icance in the domain of international politics. The neo-realist reply to the pluralist challenges came in the form of a structuralist theory which regarded international systems to be either hierarchical or anarchical in nature. The distinction between hierarchical and anarchical is crucial to Waltz, who argued that the present international system was anarchical in nature and the pluralist challenge had failed to provide sufficient grounds to suggest that the system had changed fundamentally; therefore underlying the reality of the system remained in tact. Neo-realism deems the anarchic system has led to a self help system which lacks authority. He says, each unit seeks its own good: the result of a number of units simultaneously doing so transcends the motives and aims of the separate units. Therefore, states are only able to survive if they increase their military capabilities, which will enhance their security. This is directly criticised by pluralists as they argue that liberal democracies are more pacifist and the fact that more states are becoming liberal democracies, shows the potential for changing the structure of the international system, and they claim that, when complex interdependence prevails military force is not used. However, in his critique of transnational and other pluralist efforts, Waltz raises an important idea. He defies the challenge of the state-centric paradigm by saying that students of transnational phenomena have developed no distinct theory of their subject matter or of international politics in general. Keohane argues this critique by pointing out that for concepts such as transnational relations to be valuable; a general theory of world politics is needed. Neo-realism contains analogies from economics, especially the theory of markets and the firm where the market is a structure and exists independent of the wishes of the buyers and sellers who nonetheless create it by their actions. Waltz states, international political systems, like economics markets, are formed by the co-action of self-regarding units. This overall perspective draws its central ethos from the discipline of economics and rational choice assumptions. However, even pluralists like Keohane soon accepted the neo-realist concepts of the international system being anarchic in nature and states as the principle actors in it. Therefore, he repositioned himself to neo-liberalism, moving away from his previous pluralistic concerns of interdependence and transnational relations. The debate between the two came to be known as the neo-neo debate since there appeared to be a convergence between the two positions. The foundation of neo-liberalism is that states need to develop strategies and forums for co-operation over a whole set of new issues and areas and this has been facilitated by the fact that regimes, treaties and institutions have multiplied over the past two to three decades. Thus the pluralists of the 1970s such as Keohane and Nye have become the neo-liberals of today and in the process have become quite close to the neo-realists. Neo-liberalisms acceptance of anarchic principles, states becoming the principal actors and the adherence to the importance of rational choice further highlights the close intellectual position with neo-realists. Nevertheless, despite this neo-liberals are trying to distinguish themselves from neo-realists when including the notion of co-operation. Neo-liberals have concerned themselves with analysing the extent of co-operation possible under conditions of anarchy and the conclusions that the two sides reach are radically different. Neo-realists claim that under anarchy, conflict and the struggle for power are enduring characteristics of international politics, and that because of this, co-operation between states is at best precarious and at worst non-existent. Neo-liberals agree that achieving co-operation is difficult in international relations but disagree with neo-realists pessimism of it not being able to occur effectively in an anarchical system. In Keohanes book, After Hegemo ny, he claims that, Cooperation requires that the actions of separate individuals or organizations be brought into conformity with one another through a process of negotiation. Neo-liberalism goes further and claims that co-operation could be increased through establishment of international regimes and the exchange of information. They see regimes as the mediator and the means to achieve cooperation in the international system. According to neo-liberals, institutions can exert casual force on international relations, shaping state preference and locking states into cooperative arrangements. However, neo-realists doubt that international regimes have the ability to do this efficiently, if not at all. Their pessimistic view of international relations put forward the argument that states must stress security to promote their own survival. The neo-liberal view is that though there is an anarchic system in place; institutions have the ability to, encourage multilateralism and cooperation as a means of securing national interests. However, they do concede that cooperation may be difficult to achieve in areas where leaders perceive to have no mutual interests. Thus, there is a difference of opinion between neo-liberals and neo-realists on the notion of international regimes. The former believes that regimes can only persist so long as states have mutual interests, while the latter argues that only with a hegemon in place, can a regime work effectively. Despite their differences over the question of co-operation in the international system, both neo-realism and neo-liberalism are rationalist theories; both are constructed upon assumptions held in micro-economic theory that the main units in the international system, states, are assumed to be self-interested and rational and act in a unitary fashion. Neo-liberals accept the basic neo-realist assumptions of international anarchy and the rational egoism of states. However, their aim is to show that to an extent rational actors can co-operate even when anarchy in the system prevails. The issue of gains is a key difference in this debate as neo-liberals assume that states focus primarily on their individual absolute gains and are indifferent to the gains of others. Whether co-operation results in a relative gain or loss is not very important to a state as far as neo-liberalism is concerned, so long as it produces an absolute gain. In contrast, neo-realists, such as Waltz, argue that stat es are concerned with relative gains, rather than absolute gains and a states utility is at least partly a function of some relative measure such as power. Furthermore, the acceptance of states being rational actors allows the enactment of game theory, thus allowing the behaviour of states to be foreseen, aiding the scientific rigour of neo-liberalism. It is arguable therefore, that neo-liberalism is a doctrine that is close to both neo-realism and traditional pluralism. It is the most contemporary of the paradigms and thus has been able to take key concepts from both neo-realism and traditional pluralism to produce a new theory of international relations. However, pluralism still has strong similarities with neo-liberalism in that they both agree on the concept of different issues areas that are not necessarily military based, such as economic welfare, whereas neo-realists concentrate on military issues which they identify as being high on the political agenda. Therefore, there are no hierarchical issue areas in contrast to neo-realism where military and the struggle for power is at the top of the agenda. Furthermore both paradigms show optimism on the concept of cooperation occurring in international politics. However, it is arguable that neo-liberals have abandoned the pluralist thought of the state not being the principal actor s in international relations. Here, neo-liberals have concurred with the neo-realist state-centric view; with states being described as rational actors. To a greater extent, it is the key concept for the ability of cooperation to occur in an anarchical system which distinguishes neo-liberalism from the other two paradigms, especially neo-realism, whereby cooperation can be mitigated through the establishment of international regimes and institutions. The differences on cooperation are clearly evident between neo-liberalism and neo-realism as the latter paradigm is pessimistic, in arguing that under anarchy cooperation would be very difficult to achieve. This emphasises the autonomous nature of neo-liberalism and it now becoming the main challenger to the traditional realist paradigm. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burchill, Scott Theories of International Relations (Basingstoke:  Palgrave Macmillan,  2005) pp.64-70 Kauppi, Mark and Viotti, Paul International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism, and Beyond (Boston ; London: Allyn and Bacon, 1999) pp.199-204 Keohane, Robert O. After hegemony: cooperation and discord in the world political economy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005) pp.51-63 Keohane, Robert O. The Demand for International Regimes in Krasner, Stephen International Regimes (Ithaca;  London:  Cornell University Press, 1983) pp. Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. Transnational relations and World Politics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1973) pp. ix-xxix Keohane, Robert O., Institutional Theory and the Realist Challenge After the Cold War in Baldwin, David Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate (New York: Columbia University Press, 1993) pp. 269-300 Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. Power and Interdependence (New York; London: Longman, 2001) pp. 19-27 Lamy, Stephen Contemporary Mainstream Approaches: Neo-Realism and Neo-Liberalism in Baylis, John and Smith, Steve (eds.) The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) p.207-218 Little, Richard, International Regimes in Baylis, John and Smith, Steve (eds.) The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005) pp. 370-380 Waltz, Kenneth Theory of International Politics (Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1979) pp.51-95

Friday, October 25, 2019

Expectations and Education :: Learning Education Essays

Expectations and Education One of the most sought-after goals in the world of marketing is a high degree of consumer satisfaction. But in the world of education, satisfaction by itself should not be the criterion for success. If both satisfaction and performance are high, we have cause for celebration. If satisfaction is high and performance is low, as is currently the case in the United States, we have cause for serious alarm. According to Stevenson and Stigler in "The Learning Gap", American parents whose children generally score below Asian children on tests of academic achievement, gave the most positive evaluations when asked about their children's schools and how their children were performing. If the children are doing well, such high levels of satisfaction would be justified. But maintaining high levels of satisfaction with poor performance creates a huge obstacle to the improvement of education. Before you can solve a problem, you have to admit that you have a problem. Why should children study hard i f their parents already express high levels of satisfaction? Why should schools pursue reform with enthusiasm and resolve when they already meet generally high levels of public approval? Americans want a good life for their children. They want their children to be happy and well adjusted. But Americans have not realized that access to the good life and happiness in the future will be blocked if we fail to prepare our children for the competition they will face in an ever more competitive world. As Americans, we have historically had a high opinion of ourselves. In only a few centuries we have opened up a continent, established an effective political and economic system, and brought the nation to prosperity. Americans have been thought of as courageous, industrious, and creative. Early in the American history, people believed they could achieve almost anything with enough effort. Nevertheless, many Americans assume that positive self-esteem is a necessary precursor of competence and place a higher priority on life adjustment and the enhancement of self-esteem than on academic learning. They forget that one of the most important sources of children's self-esteem is realizing that they have mastered a challenging task. We have gradually come to emphasize the limits of what can be accomplished imposed by innate differences among individuals. There are individual differences among human beings in whatever characteristics are measured. But this variability should not be interpret ed to mean that the general level of accomplishment cannot be raised.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bach (Acorus Calamus) Essay

Bach or Sweet flag is thought to have originated in Central Asia and probably indigenous to India, found common in areas that surround the Himalayas. As a result of cultivation, it has spread throughout the globe, found across Europe, in southern Russia, northern Asia Minor, southern Siberia, China, Japan, Burma, Sri Lanka, Australia, as well as southern Canada and northern USA. Calamus has long been a symbol of male love. The name is associated with a Greek myth on Kalamos, son of the river-god Maeander. In Japan, the plant is a symbol of the samurai’s bravery because of its sharp sword-like leaves. Teton-Dakota warriors chewed the root to a paste, which they rubbed on their faces. It prevented excitement and fear when facing an enemy. In Penobscot homes, the root was cut and hung up. Steaming it throughout the home is thought to cure sickness. have also been used as a thatch for roofs. Food and Flavouring: An essential oil from the rhizome is used in perfumery and as food flavouring, it has a fragrance reminiscent of patchouli oil. An essential oil obtained from the leaves is used in perfumery and for making aromatic vinegars. Insect repellent: The essential oil is also an insect repellent and insecticide. It is effe c t i ve a ga i n st houseflies. When added to rice being stored in granaries it has significantly reduced loss caused by insect damage because the oil in the root has sterilized the male rice weevils. All parts of plant can be dried and used to repel insects or to scent linen cupboards. Incense: The leaves and the roots have refreshing scent of cinnamon. They can also be burnt as incense. Medicine: In Ayurvedic system of medicine, the rhizomes of Sweet flag are considered to possess anti-spasmodic, carminative and anthelmintic properties and have been used for a number of beneficial reasons. Vacha is considered as a ‘sattvic’ herb which feeds and transmutes the sexual ‘kundalini’ energy. It is forms a popular remedy for cough and cold and also the other respiratory disorders like bronchitis. In raw form it is used as cough lozenge. Sweet flag provides aid to the digestive system and acts against flatulent colic, dyspepsia, and vomiting. Acorus calamus depresses central nervous system and is a well known ingredient in formulation for psycho-somatic disorders like epilepsy. The vapours of Sweet flag repel some insects. THE PLANT Sweet flag is a perennial, semi-aquatic and smelly plant, found in both temperate and sub temperate zones. It is up to 2m tall, aromatic, sword-shaped leaves and small, yellow/green flowers with branched rhizome. Plants very rarely flower or set fruit, but when they do, the flowers are 3-8 cm long, cylindrical in shape, greenish brown and covered in a multitude of rounded spikes. The fruits are small and berry-like, containing few seeds. CULTIVATION It’s a hardy plant found growing from tropical to sub-tropical climates. Plenty of sunshine should be available to the plant during its growth and after harvesting for drying the rhizomes. This species comes up well in clayey loams, sandy loams and light alluvial soils of river banks. The land should be ploughed twice or thrice prior to the onset of rains. Acorus is propagated through rhizomes obtained from earlier planting. The best time for planting is the second fortnight of June. The river or canal bank where the land is saturated with water is very suitable for its growth. Timely weeding and hoeing to control the spread of weeds and to obtain good yield is essential. After each weeding the growing plants are pressed down into the soil. After 6-8 months, in December, the lower leaves turn yellow and dry indicating their maturity. The field should be partially dried only leaving sufficient moisture for uprooting the plant. The uprooted rhizome is cleaned after washing with water and cut into size and fibrous roots removed. The cut rhizomes are dried by spreading under the shade so that the amount of oil present in it is not harmed. TRADE AND COMMERCE Sweet flag has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. Sweet flag forms a useful adjunct to other tonics and stimulants. Its domestic demand is quite large. As the production is much less in India, the internal market itself is highly potential. Importers, buyers within the country, processors, traditional practitioners, Ayurvedic and Siddha drug manufacturers throng the markets for procurement of this plant every year.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

The necessity for the furtherance of vigorous, hale and hearty lifestyles among the children and youth is immense. More and more children and youth are subjected to ample social evils and actions that expose their health and lifestyles at peril. This is substantiated by mounting reports of low self-esteem, insufficient nutrition, family troubles, strain, increased drop-out rates, aggression among youths, sexual activity from a young age, rise in smoking habits, reduced physical work, growing incidence of portliness and rise in health risks caused due to more and more desk work among the youth of our nation. The personal development, health and physical education or PD/H/PE is very important to every feature of the standard growth and development of children and youth- not just bodily but social and emotional development also. (A Global Vision for School Physical Education, 1995) Better education, enhanced attentiveness, refined self-control and poise as also promotion of healthy, encouraging and lasting attitudes towards personal development, health and Physical education are well preserved advantages of excellent personal development and physical education in educational institutions. Moreover, personal development, health and Physical education begins the foundation of expertise of skills for involvement throughout the life while concurrently developing an automatic shielding effect against a lot of ailments due to lifestyle associated habits like desk work. With families and social institutions undergoing a revolutionary change, a lot of people more and more turn to educational institutions for an answer. The school is the organization possessing the capability to definitely influence mindsets and behaviors of every child and addresses youngsters as a cohesive group irrespective of sex, age, potential, racial or socio-economic position. (A Global Vision for School Physical Education, 1995) In this paper, we shall deal with a literature review to understand the teacher's perceptions towards the value of personal development, health and Physical education. The sentimental temperament of the teacher might put a deep influence on the mindset of the student to PD/H/PE and thereafter put a major impact on the student's personal development, health and physical education that he faces. S. Smith during 1993 stated that the approach of the teacher was one of the most important factors in the achievement of primary PD/H/PE programs. While elucidating the reason behind non-adherence of physical education in the manner as planned in the curriculum, a lot of clarifications in the writings frequently allude to the teacher, generally specifying the primary teacher as lacking in knowledge, eagerness and making age and gender responsible for it. The duty for planning, teaching and reviewing PD/H/PE is the responsibility of the generalist classroom in a NSW primary school. But, the generalist teachers in this study do not constitute a cohesive class in their mind-set to or engages themselves in imparting personal development, health and Physical education. Age was continuously recognized as an important factor of alarm for the teacher's views towards the importance of PD/H/PE. In a research on â€Å"Teachers' Perceptions of Physical Education in NSW Primary Schools† it was comprehended that a clear gender imbalance is present among the teachers in primary schools the ratio being three female teacher for every male teacher. This automatically does not prove the teacher's apparent potential to teach physical education. Nearly all the teachers in this age group state possess a positive experience of personal development, health and Physical education and sporting activity. Therefore a lot of teachers within the 20-30 year age bracket offer an encouraging viewpoint to the teaching and learning scopes meant for students. Their pre-service courses assumed presented increased resilience, with a several teachers falling under this group having passed an important course of study in personal development, health and Physical education. These teachers point out that PD/H/P/E is accorded major precedence in their schools. They place more weight to personal development, health and Physical education and have increased confidence to tutor a wider array of physical activities. Teachers' Perceptions of Physical Education in NSW primary schools) The researches in this study make out that the majority of the teachers within the 20-30 age brackets have the same level of keenness on the theme of personal development, health and Physical education irrespective of gender. Certainly the lady teachers in this class frequently show an eagerness to instruct throughout a wide array of PD/H/PE activities compared to their male fellow workers. But, in case of those whose age is more than 30 years, male teachers normally enjoy increased satisfaction with their capability to impart personal development, health and physical education, save a lot who are not content with their capability to teach dance. The teachers in the higher age group especially the 41-50 and more than 51 years of age have decreased chances to be content with their capability to instruct about the vastness of PD/H/PE. They regard personal development, health and physical education to be of lower importance and give lesser scope in case of students to attain the results of the curriculum. Several teachers in the above age bracket were worried with legal liability matters, their dearth of training and potential to be idols and the potential to exhibit proficiencies to their classes. (Teachers' Perceptions of Physical Education in NSW primary schools) Some researchers such as Faucette & Patterson, Lawson & Stevens and Portman have discovered that several non-specialist teachers reserve downbeat thoughts on personal development, health and physical education and doubt its value for children. Several more new researches have tried to examine these realms by Xiang et al and Faulkner & Reeves, but added research is required to examine the attitudinal temperament of non-experts and experts and to contrast outcomes for various categories of pre-service and in-service teachers. Xiang et al investigated the attitudinal temperament and thinking of pre-service classroom teachers prior to and following a fields-based course applying two open-ended questions. Upon finishing the course, 50% of the pre-service classroom teachers mentioned that they were reluctant to teach PD/H/PE. It was revealed by Xiang et al. that a lot of classroom teachers that they are not trained to teach personal development, health and physical education after examining the intricate type of PD/H/PE teaching. In the opinion of Portman, it is vital that the attitudinal temperament of teachers is approved in the growth of suitable personal development, health and physical education teacher education courses, as pre-service opinions of the teachers regarding the PD/H/PE might require confrontation or harmonized. Several researchers have mentioned that initial experiences in school in PD/H/PE give potential teachers with a huge spectrum of information regarding physical education, which is likely to influence approaches, idea, and teaching practices. (Morgan; Bourke; Thompson, 2002) Taking a cue from a life history research of 11 women, Emma Rich discovered the manner in which a team of freshly skilled female. PD/H/PE teachers built the ‘dilemma' of girls' comparatively decreased involvement in personal development, health and physical education. It is recommended that, whereas these women willingly articulated a wish to alter the gendered characteristics of PD/H/PE at the time of teaching their stature were most vehemently directed to a discussion of liberal individualism billing ‘girls' as a dilemma in personal development, health and physical education. However, there are also methods wherein teachers might initiate to take steps witnessing girls as ‘problems' within personal development, health and physical Education by depicting on a knowledge of physical culture and developing automatic habits in teacher education. In the opinion of Jinhee Kim and Andrews Taggart, three reasons surfaced which represented the negative discernment of personal development, health and physical education: the low condition of physical education program, teacher's detachment with the subject matter, and their absence of pedagogical knowledge. It was finally arrived that teachers at the primary school level possess a very narrow perception of their duties for executing PD/H/PE programs and appear to a part of the sustainable stillness attributed to physical education classes in primary schools. Gold holds the opinion that several of the researches evaluated in literature on the views of teachers towards the importance of personal development, health and physical education point out that the maximum difficulties faced by teachers were irresistible experiences of disenchantment and thinking that they were not capable to adjust with the plethora of strain faced daily, and that to fight out that difficulty thought must be applied to find out the type of facilities required for initiating teachers and to devising efficient back-up programs. Unluckily the likely dearth or shortage of supportive programs in the early years of teaching might just enhance the rate of teachers to quit for greener pastures. Woods proposed that similar mounting stress on the teacher often totally aggravate the educational objectives and raise an advanced concern to the completeness of the encounter, which is of existence. With this special apprehension, the opinion of Wood is that teachers build endurance policies and that they are inclined to be employed in acts like domination, socialization, brotherhood, for students. (Hardy, 1999) Substantiation can be found that teachers who comprehend the importance of, and are capable of working by undertaking a strategy, the interactive factors impacting their independent workplace circumstances are starting to relocate their programs as more fundamental to their whole school's educational culture and objectives. These growths indicate ardently at methods of qualified regeneration in case of a lot of teachers with whom we have worked on sport education projects. (Alexander; Taggart; Thorpe, 1997) Teachers contributed an important part in furtherance of the value of personal development, health and Physical education in America. The literature evaluation allowed revealing that the approach of the teacher was one of the most important factors in the accomplishment of primary personal development, health and physical education programs. One of the causes for the lack of success of these programs is ascribed to the teacher as being poorly prepared, dearth of interest, unenthusiastic attitudes towards personal development, health and physical education, doubting its importance for children and even making age and gender responsible. The disparity in age and gender facilitated to understand the disparities in the discernment of the teachers in connection to personal development, health and physical education. Nevertheless, the literature showed no countrywide qualitative researches of teachers' belief of directives about personal development, health and physical education.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Aboriginal Australian Rights - Employment Essays - Free Essays

Aboriginal Australian Rights - Employment Essays - Free Essays Aboriginal Australian Rights - Employment "I have walked into at least 5 interviews where as soon as the interviewer saw that I was aboriginal, a kind of shutter comes across their eyes." Imagine you are that person receiving the peculiar eyesights, not a pleasant feeling, is it? This short but simple sentence from an Aboriginal writer, presents you the cruel caustic issue of Aboriginals Australians' employment. Employment is an indispensable part like eating and sleeping in people's life, especially for adults. However, somewhere in this flourishing country now, almost one fifth of the aboriginal peoples is facing a problem to find a job that can support for their living CITATION Jen15 \l 2052 (Korff, 2015). Do you know what is causing their hardness of employing? Do you know how people are treated at workplace? Do you know what we, as exceptional 21st century students, can give a hand to our mates' obstacles? The future lies in our hand, let's give a hand and put an end to Aboriginals Australians struggle with employment! Just like a skyscraper needs a central pillar to support the whole building, if Aboriginal's employment is the skyscraper, then job training would be the sturdiest pillar that holding up the whole issue tightly. Can you think of any jobs that you can be competent to do in the future, that you can do it without any learning or training? Street cleaner, dish washer, waiters, the first reaction you might say. Any jobs that only need some basic life skills. These are important jobs in the society, but can you really support your life with those jobs? May be not for all the expenses in your life from foods to house rents. It's surprised to see that around 63% of aboriginal peoples think inadequate training and process for certain qualification are an obstacle for employment CITATION Jen15 \l 2052 (Korff, 2015). You might also say, it is not a serious matter to have no training before employed, because people can get trained after they get the job by the employers. But the truth is even employed aboriginals found difficulties to understand the rules at workplaces. Put yourselves in a situation of job interviewing, the people right next to you is talking about his/her amazing trainee experiences, w hereas you have nothing to say about that part of your resume. On the other hand, which one sounds attractive to you if you are the employer? Spare a minute to think if you want to be the one later one in the next few years, because what you want, the people in the same situation with you will also want. And when you are stepping into the society, remember that when someone is looking on choosing different traineeships, there are people don't even have a choice. As a citizen that living in the opened and free society, we should be sorrowful for the people that are suffering from the judgements that don't have any grounds. There was a sarcastic statement made by South Australia's The Advertiser newspaper saying Aboriginals are "more intelligent than supposed" CITATION Jen16 \l 2052 (Korff, Stereotypes prejudice of Aboriginal Australia', 2016). When people are making all the ignorant and irrespective views about laziness of Aboriginals, sit-down money, they just have no idea or comprehension of how Aboriginals lives really are CITATION And12 \l 2052 (Bolt, 2012). These stereotype statements are like paper cuts you get accidentally, they seem to be really light and negligible, but when they actually come to yourselves, they are just pain and misery. We, as 21st century students, we are carrying the expectation to build an equitable and open-minded society. We are holding the future in our hand. It is glad to see that around 81% of our cohort had already realised this issue. In this beautiful talented and liberal school that we are studying in every day, we have the belief that everyone has the right to be included, respected and to feel like they belonged. Then, as a member of this school, can we bring the belief outside of our school and spread out through the entire society? Definitely, the power of all of us will make this happen! Receive primary cultural informed

Monday, October 21, 2019

Analysis Essay Example on The Killing of Mr. Chippendale

Analysis Essay Example on The Killing of Mr. Chippendale The Killing of Mr. Chippendale Essay Example This literary work is one of the masterpieces that demonstrate how the personal qualities of an individual can be expressed more easily and with accuracy. The murder of Mr. Robert Chippendale is just a tool that presents the real picture of how various people held him. The act of murder meted on him is bitter, but the hole it left in the heart of people carried the highest weight. This was one of the most talented teachers that went beyond his assigned teaching duty, but offered free life skill lesson to the students. He was hailed as one of the best academic heroes with sound ideas in any intellectual discourse as exhibited by this part of the poem Study peoples faces, not French fries. Hear how they order, not what. ( 28). He was one of the few people who condemned a wrongdoing at the instant it was committed without fear or favor as the immediate surrounding would demand, and this came to enhance the effectiveness of his discipline strategies. He was a passionate man with the unrelenting spirit of excellence. The death of Mr. C tells a lot about his character and personality As can be evidenced from the emotions and in-depth feeling of pain among the mourners, it left a lot of questions about this renowned English teacher. Starting with the rolling tears in the eyes of Angela, we can conclude that Mr. Chippendale was a living character with great and welcoming heart which was open and accommodative (Glenn 62). He was also an all round personality who interacted and made friendship without definite boundaries. For instance, Angela fell in love with Mr. C. inspite of their professional relationship and the workplace situation. Other characters, as young as his students, revealed their deeper desire and affection for him. One of the students openly admitted having a crush on him. The same sentiments were shared by the board of education of the institution who felt deprived following the morning shorting incident. Mr. C. was a very determined and hardworking professional English teacher He often punished students who performed below average in their class work and assignments. He was commended for his hard work by the school management on a number of occasions. His active participation in the school activities and programs, as designed and accorded by the authority, are the evidences of his dedication and determination in his duties and responsibilities. On the other hand, Mr. C. had a unique personality. He was very strict. This can be evidenced by the fact that he was not every students darling (Glenn 45-7). Some students showed their joy upon his death. He kept subjecting this group of students to punishment every time they failed to abide by the set regulations or performed relatively lower than was expected of them. This showed the kind of person Mr. Chippendale was. ORDER FOR: $Â  11.99 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { $("#miniorder_shorcode form").append($("", { "name": "_token", "value": window.Laravel.csrfToken, "type": "hidden" })); }); Celia Campbell, one of his students, claimed that this teacher was very pivotal in her life and the lessons from him left an indelible mark in her life. She was one of the students that was off the social life path and it took the parental skills blended with the authority of a teacher to be shaped by Chippendale. It is also said that this teacher was very admirable even by the students and it happened that one character, Angela Falcone, befriended him and his death was alleged to be connected with love going sour between them. Cynthia Arroyos experience with the advisory lessons with the teacher shows how straightforward this teacher was when it came to honesty about the abilities of his students. In the book Who killed Mr. Chippendale a number of characters are discussed by Glenn, the author of the book. The high school English teacher influenced many characters, especially students who were inspired by the personality and character. Upon his murder, the whole community was filled with emotions. There was a lot of suspicion on who the murderer of Mr. C. could be This prompts for police investigation into the untimely death of the renowned teachers. One of the leading characters in the book is Falcone Angela. Angela (the guidance and counseling teacher) happened to fall in love with Mr. C (as he was known among the students). Having realized the sudden death of Mr. Chippendale, his best friend, Angela, planed to revenge the pain of losing her closest friend by killing the killer of Mr. Chippendale. Although this was an unacceptable move, Angela was determined to bear the consequences of killing. This is a reflection of how valued Mr. C was to the rest of the staff. In addition, Angelas reaction is a reflection of emotional character. After approximately four years of teacher-student relationship, the death of Mr. C left a lot of emotional pain among the students. To many of them Mr. C. served as a role model and personal adviser. For instance, Celia Campbell and Cynthia Arroyo received the news of death with a lot of pain. They reflect on his teachings, especially about life skills. This is evidenced by the poems such as study peoples faces, not French fries Hear how they order, not what, and imagine a mini-biography for each of them (28). Other students, who were deeply affected by the death of their beloved teacher, are Harry Balinger and Karen Miller. Karen Miller witnessed the English teacher being shot by the armed Red. In describing her unfading memory of the incident, Miller cites what she witnessed as a never-ending video loop/projected in of [her] eyes ( 66). As expected, not everyone was unhappy with his death. This group mainly consisted of students who performed poorly in class and were often punished by Mr. C.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Jean - Jacques Rousseau Man 's biography is free, he is everywhere. I think that he is the protagonist of others, but they are still bigger slaves. How this change is created. I do not know. How is it legal? I think that I can answer that question. (Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1997) Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland on June 25, 1712. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) in the 18th century claimed that the children were not blank slabs filled with adult education. On the contrary, Rousseau (1762/1955) regards children as a noble asylum, and of course gives a congenital plan for good and evil, and orderly healthy growth. Unlike Locke, Rousseau thinks that internal morality of children and how to think and feel emotion of their own can only be hurt by adult training. He is a child-centered philosophy, adults should receive children's needs in four stages: infancy, childhood, late childhood and adolescence. John B. Watson and Jean-Ja cques Rousseau are often considered to provide the foundation of modern developmental psychology. In the mid-eighteenth century, Jean Jacques Rousseau described three developmental stages: Emile's baby (early childhood), pool (childhood) and adolescence: or education. Rousseau's idea was strongly responded to by the educators at the time. It usually focuses on how and why certain modifications through personal life cycle (cognition, society, intelligence, personality) and human growth change. There are many theorists who have contributed greatly to this field of psychology. For example, Erik Erikson has developed eight models of psychological developmental stages. He believes that humans grow in stages throughout their life and that it will influence their behavior (like Sigmund Freud) Biography of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean - Jacques Rousseau Man 's biography is free, he is everywhere. I think that he is the protagonist of others, but they are still bigger slaves. How this change is created. I do not know. How is it legal? I think that I can answer that question. (Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1997) Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland on June 25, 1712. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) in the 18th century claimed that the children were not blank slabs filled with adult education. On the contrary, Rousseau (1762/1955) regards children as a noble asylum, and of course gives a congenital plan for good and evil, and orderly healthy growth. Unlike Locke, Rousseau thinks that internal morality of children and how to think and feel emotion of their own can only be hurt by adult training. He is a child-centered philosophy, adults should receive children's needs in four stages: infancy, childhood, late childhood and adolescence. John B. Watson and Jean-Ja cques Rousseau are often considered to provide the foundation of modern developmental psychology. In the mid-eighteenth century, Jean Jacques Rousseau described three developmental stages: Emile's baby (early childhood), pool (childhood) and adolescence: or education. Rousseau's idea was strongly responded to by the educators at the time. It usually focuses on how and why certain modifications through personal life cycle (cognition, society, intelligence, personality) and human growth change. There are many theorists who have contributed greatly to this field of psychology. For example, Erik Erikson has developed eight models of psychological developmental stages. He believes that humans grow in stages throughout their life and that it will influence their behavior (like Sigmund Freud)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Could the United States continue as one nation What values resided at Essay

Could the United States continue as one nation What values resided at the core of the nations identity And What did they believe it meant to be an American - Essay Example The first example of this is when the colonists moved the Native Americans off their own land. This caused a lot of fighting such as the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, where 3,000 U.S. soldiers fought and beat 2,000 Native Americans. Other Indians were forced to move from their land and live on reservations. Another terrible event with the Native Americans was the Trail of Tears in 1838. About 15,000 Cherokees were forced to leave their possessions and homes in Georgia and go to Oklahoma. About 4,000 of the Indians died on the trail. Another race that was discriminated by Americans was the Africans. Americans thought they were superior and they enslaved the Africans. They thought that Africans were racially inferior. Africans were taken from their homes, crammed on to ships, and then sold as slaves. They were treated bad and did not have rights. Finally after the Civil War, slavery was abolished. Even though there was still racism, this was viewed as a good change. Change is generally thought of as a good thing to Americans. Change is thought of as improvement, progress, and advancement in the American society. Nevertheless, in older and more traditional cultures, change is thought to be disparaging and troublesome. New technology is always being introduced and welcomed in the U.S. This could be because many inventors lived in America and introduced these new inventions. One of the first great inventors in America was Benjamin Franklin. In the mid 1700s, Franklin did many activities to help the technology in the U.S. get better, including experiments with lightning. Thomas Edison invented many things to fuel this characteristic of Americans, such as the incandescent light bulb. Between 1867 and 1931, Edison had patented over 1,000 inventions. Another great inventor was Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone in 1876. Before 1860, the U.S. Patent Office had only issued 36,000 patents, but

Columbia HCA Fraud Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Columbia HCA Fraud Case - Essay Example My goal is to relate the case to the subject of Business Ethics and derive important lessons on how business should be conducted. Reading thru the case study, we can discern the numerous causal factors of the federal investigation of Columbia/ HCA. From what I can understand, the investigation was brought about by a combination of internal and external factors which is presented below: It was started in June 1996 by Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin that the Medicare program will go broke by 2001 with the way funds are being spent. Expenditures were increasing exponentially with $160 billion for the 1994 fiscal year. That's about $440 million per day. By the year 2003, it is projected that it will mushroom to $380 billion or $1 billion per day according to the Congressional Budget Office. As a general observation, any activity that increases or decreases suddenly is subject to the curiosity of other people especially when it involves large amounts of money. This being the case, it only took a matter of time before it caught the attention of government authorities who have become very keen in finding ways to eliminate unnecessary expenditures and catching fraudulent transactions. The arguments used by the managers to justify the large increase in Medicare costs was the increase in efficiency, more expensive equipment and better accounting practices. These arguments alone are enough to stir speculations because Medicare expenditures should rise due to the rise in harder-to-treat diseases requiring more expensive medication. Does it make sense then that there was an increase in acute and chronic disease when the health care service became more efficient Does it mean those doctors in the past misdiagnosed patients and when Columbia/HCA came into the picture, they suddenly became experts in diagnosis (Remember that most of the doctors were still those under the past management) New Legislation Protecting Whistleblowers Whistleblowers are those that expose the anomalies of their employees, partners, and co-employees. Anomalous activities, in this case, refers to fraudulent acts that cheat the government (and consequently the taxpayers) of their money. It may include tax evasion and false claims. In the past, whistleblowers were exposed to retribution by the entities who they claim is engaged in anomalous activities. They could only expect minimal attention from the authorities and if ever they were given such attention, they could only expect minimal legal assistance so why bother being one Unless you have very deep grievances against the person, being a whistleblower was a risky venture. With the new legislation, more legal protection for the whistleblower was provided. Incentives were also offered such as the 30% of the recovered money going to the whistleblower which was mentioned in the reading. With the combination of these two important measures, whistle-blowing became a less risky venture. The focus of Government Authorities in Stemming Corruption.

Practicum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Practicum - Essay Example Therefore, governments take great steps to enhance the GDP of their country. Money flowing into different industries of a country eventually translates into an increased GDP and higher economic results. One of the industries of a country that needs to flourish is the Tourism Industry. The reason is that this industry attracts the money of foreign investors or residents, and it flows in the financial system of the country that is providing tourism opportunities. This rule is not an exception in the case of Australia. Australia’s tourism activities range from accommodations and car hires to cruise operation and theme parks and major attraction operations. In the year 2005-2006, private businesses spent $840 million on the marketing of tourism related activities; this was a 9.9% increase over year 2003-2004 marketing expenditure. Among this, most of the expenses were accounted to marketing targeted at the domestic travelers (74%), compared to international travelers which accumulated up to 26%1. In the year ended 2009, the industry experienced an Internal Consumption of $92,003 Million, comprising primarily of International consumption of $23,546 Million and a domestic consumpt ion of $68,456 Million. The figures also show that more focus is given to domestic travelers relative to international holiday makers. The total direct tourism inflow to the GDP in the system came out to be $32,828 Million in 20092. The tourism contributed a total of 2.6% of the GDP in the year ended 2009; which was a decrease of 0.2% compared to the previous year. The reason behind this was that the Australian economy boosted up, and more people travelled overseas rather than internally, which created a plunge in the value of Tourism industry. Australian economy basically measures the effect of tourism activities by the demand that is created by the travelers and the tourism products and services by the domestic producers. The biggest

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The dangers of smoking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The dangers of smoking - Assignment Example These are some of the reasons as to why smoking among teenagers has increased. There are many dangers arising from smoking. Some of the dangers of smoking are short while others are long-term. These dangers may include health risk, addiction, economic aspect, side effects, financial burden and psychological effects. This paper seeks to focus on the dangers of smoking. Smoking cigarettes have devastating consequences in pregnant women. The number of women engaging in smoking continues to rise in not only United States but also the rest of the world. Smoking in women affects the development of child in their body especially in their body composition and development. Cigarettes have been shown to contain chemicals that are detrimental to the human body. For example, nicotine and tar found in cigarettes may lead to reduced development of the limbs in children born of pregnant mothers. In addition, such chemicals may lead to stillbirth or premature birth. Such consequence may lead to incr eased spending as some of the corrective measures are undertaken on such children. Furthermore, women who engage in smoking find it difficult in getting pregnant. They are also likely to have ectopic pregnancies, vaginal problems, and challenges on their placenta. On the other hand, there is a clear association of significant heart disease and smoking in pregnant women. Women who engage in smoking are also most likely to give birth to small and unhealthy children. Secondly, cigarettes smoking leads to addiction. This occurs due to the presence of nicotine in c cigarette. Once it circulates within the body, it is difficult for the individuals involved disengaging from smoking. Those individual that regularly engage in smoking are faced with challenges of addiction. Moreover, addiction leads to individual engaging to unnecessary expenses. Such individual finds it difficult in controlling their resources. Addicted individuals are also likely to involve themselves in illegal activities such as stealing, and drug peddling. This may occur as they try to find necessary coin to purchase a packet of cigarette and other smoking substances. The generation of addicted individuals is to increase in the future due to the accessibility of cigarettes by teenagers. These teenagers will grow to become addicted adult. However, those teenagers that take part in smoking do not believe that once in the future they will become addicted individuals. In addition, smoking leads to health problems. Those who take part in smoking mostly are faced with health challenges. These individuals are prone to lung cancer. In fact, this has been leading in causing death in various places around the world. On the other hand, those who engage in smoking cough most in their lifetime. Once the cough perpetuates in the body it leads to severe form of lung cancer. Lung cancer has been shown to be because of tar present in the tobacco smoke. In fact, the number of mortalities because of health problem re sulting from smoking has been on the increase. Likewise, smoking leads to depression and anxiety. In fact, this affects individual who wants to disengage from smoking. In addition, smoking makes it difficult for individual to breath. Such individuals are unable to engage in recreational activities such as swimming and running. Consequently, these individuals remain dormant in the rest of their lives. Additionally,

Oncrete history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Oncrete history - Essay Example It is in the form of dark, and porous nodules that are ground using a small amount of gypsum giving cement. Concrete; this is a hard, compact material used for building, and is formed by a mixture of gravel, cement, water, and sand when they undergo hydration. Cure; this is the act of keeping concrete moist on the initial hardening. Deformation; changing the dimensions of structures using a force. Dormancy period; the period that concrete retains it workability. Elasticity; The capability of materials to retain the original shape after getting stretched. Forms; are the holders where concrete is placed during hardening. Hydration; reaction of water with cement to form a cement paste. Mortar; is a Cement paste that has been mixed with sand. Pozzuoli cement; is a Volcanic rock powdered, used for making hydraulic cement. Portland cement; this is a cement consisting mainly of calcium silicates react with water forming a hard mass. Workability; this is how easily fresh concrete can be plac ed and consolidated in forms. 3.0 Text. 3.0. Introduction to Concrete. Concrete, can be defined as a composite material used in construction composed mainly of aggregate, water, and cement. It has several formulations, which give properties that tend to vary. This aggregate consists crushed rocks or coarse gravel like granite or limestone this is mixed with other fine aggregate like sand. Cement, usually the Portland cement, and Cementitious materials like slag cement and fly ash are used as a binder in the aggregate. Many chemical admixtures may also be included in order to come up with these varied properties. Liquid normally water is added and mixed with this dry composite, this enables the concrete to be poured (shaped) before solidified...Cement, usually the Portland cement, and Cementitious materials like slag cement and fly ash are used as a binder in the aggregate. Many chemical admixtures may also be included in order to come up with these varied properties. Liquid normally water is added and mixed with this dry composite, this enables the concrete to be poured (shaped) before solidified and hardened to come up with a rock-hard strength through a process known as hydration. The liquid applied reacts with the cement, forming a bond with other components, finally forming a tough stone-like material. It has a comparatively high compressive strength, nevertheless much lesser tensile strength. It is against this that it is reinforced using other materials which are very strong in tension like steel. Processes that can damage the concrete include freezing of the trapped water. It is widely used in walls, pavements, brick/ block, foundation, bridges/ overpasses, footings for gates, and even boats. Some of the most famous concrete buildings or structures are like the Burj Khalifa (world's tallest building), the Panama Canal, the Hoover Dam, and the famous Roman Pantheon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The effects of the Canadian residential school on the modern Essay

The effects of the Canadian residential school on the modern aboriginal people - Essay Example residential schools, they were subjected to different forms of torture ranging from physical to sexual abuse and provision of inferior education that was not competitive with the Euro-Canadians (Barth, 2008). Several effects of this treatment are being felt up to date by the modern aboriginals. One of the effects of this is the loss of the aboriginal culture that is passed down generations and this means that the modern aboriginals do not recognize fully their culture. The abuse these people passed through when young has affected their present whereby they become abusers or do not know how to maintain relations. Since the children did not get a chance to be nurtured properly by their parents since they were away in these schools, they also do not know how to nurture their own children. The abuse led them to have a low self-esteem and even feelings of worthlessness which has translated to a large number of them attempting suicide now that they are grown up (Episkenew, 2009). These effects will continue unless measures are taken sooner. Some of these measures are slow or not tailored to reverse some of these effects like culture loss which even with therapy will not come back (Austin and Boyd,

Oncrete history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Oncrete history - Essay Example It is in the form of dark, and porous nodules that are ground using a small amount of gypsum giving cement. Concrete; this is a hard, compact material used for building, and is formed by a mixture of gravel, cement, water, and sand when they undergo hydration. Cure; this is the act of keeping concrete moist on the initial hardening. Deformation; changing the dimensions of structures using a force. Dormancy period; the period that concrete retains it workability. Elasticity; The capability of materials to retain the original shape after getting stretched. Forms; are the holders where concrete is placed during hardening. Hydration; reaction of water with cement to form a cement paste. Mortar; is a Cement paste that has been mixed with sand. Pozzuoli cement; is a Volcanic rock powdered, used for making hydraulic cement. Portland cement; this is a cement consisting mainly of calcium silicates react with water forming a hard mass. Workability; this is how easily fresh concrete can be plac ed and consolidated in forms. 3.0 Text. 3.0. Introduction to Concrete. Concrete, can be defined as a composite material used in construction composed mainly of aggregate, water, and cement. It has several formulations, which give properties that tend to vary. This aggregate consists crushed rocks or coarse gravel like granite or limestone this is mixed with other fine aggregate like sand. Cement, usually the Portland cement, and Cementitious materials like slag cement and fly ash are used as a binder in the aggregate. Many chemical admixtures may also be included in order to come up with these varied properties. Liquid normally water is added and mixed with this dry composite, this enables the concrete to be poured (shaped) before solidified...Cement, usually the Portland cement, and Cementitious materials like slag cement and fly ash are used as a binder in the aggregate. Many chemical admixtures may also be included in order to come up with these varied properties. Liquid normally water is added and mixed with this dry composite, this enables the concrete to be poured (shaped) before solidified and hardened to come up with a rock-hard strength through a process known as hydration. The liquid applied reacts with the cement, forming a bond with other components, finally forming a tough stone-like material. It has a comparatively high compressive strength, nevertheless much lesser tensile strength. It is against this that it is reinforced using other materials which are very strong in tension like steel. Processes that can damage the concrete include freezing of the trapped water. It is widely used in walls, pavements, brick/ block, foundation, bridges/ overpasses, footings for gates, and even boats. Some of the most famous concrete buildings or structures are like the Burj Khalifa (world's tallest building), the Panama Canal, the Hoover Dam, and the famous Roman Pantheon.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Ferocious creature Essay Example for Free

The Ferocious creature Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, takes place during the antebellum era, and revolves around a young boy, named Huck. The antebellum era was the years right before the Civil War, so Huck was living in a dark and murky time in American History. Huck starts off by living with The Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson, who is trying to civilize him or make him to be what the perfect child should look like and make him act how a perfect child should act. Huck does not want that. He just wants to live how he wants, just like most youth want. In the novel, Huckleberry Finn befriends a runaway slave, Jim, and his adventures begin. According to Dennis Puopard, Mark Twain exposed many of the dark problems of antebellum United States. Some say Mark Twain wrote this episodic novel as a boys adventure story and that Huck is a character that children should look up to. (422) Modern readers do not see Huckleberry Finn as a childrens book because the book is racist, there a themes of lying, and characters object and criticize authority. Because, modern readers see the book as improper for children The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is on the banned books list on many school in the United States. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn there are racial slurs, lies, and profanity. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not a childrens book in todays society because of the prominent theme of race. The topic of race and racism is strong in todays society. If a modern American citizen uses racial slurs against another race in a hurtful way that citizen would be convicted with a criminal offense. A racial slur such as the word nigger is not tolerable todays society. The word nigger was used to belittle and dehumanize African American slaves, such as Jim, in antebellum United States. Through out the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, author Mark Twain includes racial slurs such as the word, nigger toward African American characters, such as Jim and other slaves. Good gracious! anybody hurt? Nom. Killed a nigger. Well, its lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt. ( Twain 109). This quote shows how the white society views Jim different then themselves. They view Jim as property rather than a human with a living breathing heart. This dialoged between two white characters just shows how hurtful and cruelly someone can sound just by taking. Barbra L. Jackson professor at Fordham University in New York City says, It is hard to teach The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in a diverse class because of its racial views. (63). If a college professor has a hard time teaching the book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, to her class, how can it be easy for high school students who are studding the novel, or even young boys whom pick up the book and start reading it? Also, Barbra L. Jackson says, I always see a lack in participation, when studying the book, the students do not want to read out loud, (64). The students do not feel right saying nigger out loud because they do not want to offend any of their classmates. The students know that the word, nigger is a taboo in modern society. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be taught or read to children because of the racial slurs. The type of racial language that Mark Twain uses in the book is offensive and crude. The exposure of the racial slurs to young children would be harmful. The young children will think it is okay to say the new words they discover from reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which would get them into trouble in the future.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Case Study Of Psychosomatic Pain Nasrin Nursing Essay

Case Study Of Psychosomatic Pain Nasrin Nursing Essay It is a case of psychosomatic pain disorder in which a twenty seven year old lady named Nasrin is suffering from lower abdomen pain. Recently she had hysterectomy due to heavy periods and regular severe uterine pain. But after six months of her surgery she still feeling pain in her lower abdomen and she have no improvement in pain after six months of her surgery. Her gynecologist confident her that everything was normal but she was not satisfied with this statement. She visits many specialists but found no relief. She felt sharp pain everyday from few minutes to hours. In recent times she felt chest pain and thought she is having heart attack. But after her checkup in emergency the physician recommended that it might be anxiety. She felt insulted .Her GP influenced her to go to psychologist. GP clarified her that at times even emotions causes difficulties in medical problems Clients problems and Diagnosis: Nasrin went to consultant and told her problems. She explained that she has severe low backache and her pain is presently radiating both legs. Pain is very sharp and brought herself to tears. Pain occurs every day at different time intervals. She has lack of motivation and interest. She didnt sleep properly in night. She felt insulted when GP told her that these are only the signs of anxiety and tell her to see a psychologist. She avoids to meet anyone and seen herself failure and weak. By studying the whole case the case is diagnosed with the help of DSM IV checklist and it is diagnosed as a case of pain disorder associated with psychological factors. The client has following features: Her main problem was significant pain from long time. There are many psychological factors which play main role in the beginning, severity, exacerbation or preservation of pain. As pain felt everyday at different times and intervals. Pain is very sharp that brings Nasrin to tears. The symptoms are not purposely produced by the patient. Background: Patient Nasrin is the youngest one in her family. Since puberty she has not good health. She was having severe recurrent headaches but those headaches were not diagnosed as the attacks of migraine. When she was twelve years old her grandmother died. She was suffered with the symptoms of after stroke for four years before her death. After the death of her grandmother her mom showed sympathy towards her and whenever she felt those headaches she told her lie down. Her mother gave cold compression to her head. Mostly she felt chest pain during the stress period of exams. She got married at the age of twenty one and she left her study because of her severe headaches. She always tried to become an ideal companion. Her husband Alfred was also caring but due to her continuous appointments with doctors and their expenses he started criticizing her. Her husband left her after two years of her marriage. She was heartbroken at that time then she started work for supporting herself but soon she l ost her job due to her health problems. Because of her continuous visits to doctors she was absent from work many times and this was the reason for her job lost. After that she joined her parents and moved to their house. Case formulation: For formulating the case, first of all the consultant assesses and socializes into cognitive therapy. CBT is the therapy of choice in various mental health problems. CBT promote patient to talk about himself in a way that how the patient think about himself, the surrounding world and the other persons surrounding him. What are the things affects patients thoughts and feelings. By knowing all these things CBT helps in patients thinking (Cognitive) and what he do (behaviour) and this can help patient to feel better regarding his life. After that assessed the detailed description of the problem of client and in this case it is recurrent lower abdominal pain. Assess the predisposing factors and in Nasrin case these are recurrent headache and chest pain during stress like in exams etc. The precipitating factors were her grandmothers death and separation from her husband soon after her marriage and the maintaining factor is long term complaint of lower abdomen pain. Then ABC analysis of pr oblem was done by the consultant. Diagnose historical context of the problem, its assumptions and core beliefs. After that constructed a treatment and management plan .Afterwards socializing the client towards the self task. When client came to consultant initially in first session he/she should tell the client about the confidentially of their conversation for gaining faith of client, tells the cognitive therapy and regarding the estimated time of the therapy. CBT sessions are depends upon the patients problems and objectives. Generally with CBT results are better realized when sessions are between 6-20 and varies from 40 minutes to one hour each session. Every session is generally has a gap of one week or fifteen days. CBT cannot remove the patients problems but it can help to handle them in an optimistic way. Therapist helps patient to find ways by changing your thoughts and behaviour so that the patient cope with the problems in better way. (Sheldon, 2011). Consultant assesses the details of the problem as in this case Nasrin has a problem of severe lower abdomen pain. She suffers from this pain from a long time. She has heavy menstrual bleeding and severe lower abdominal pain. Her gynecologist was n ot agreeing to do surgery for this pain but Nasrins frequent visits and continuous pain problem agreed her to do surgery. Because of this continuous and sharp pain she influenced her surgeon and had hysterectomy in her young age. After six months of her surgery she felt no improvement in her pain. She visited to many specialists for finding the cause of her pain problem. But nothing was found by any specialist. Recently she felt chest pain and thought that she was having heart attack. But physician told her she is normal and this all was because of anxiety. She felt insulted with this comment. At last her GP influenced her to consult a clinical psychologist and clarify her that at times emotions made worse to medical problems. GP explained her that psychological assessments will better treat her condition. ABC analysis of Nasrin case: In this case A- activating events are the hysterectomy of client which was done at young age. Nasrin is separated from her husband and stay with her parents. B-Her rational thoughts and beliefs are that she is having severe pain in her lower abdomen. She also felt chest pain. She thoughts that she is pathetic for being like this .C- Consequences regarding the emotions she is nervous, irritated, shame and hurt also. In her behaviour she is always sad, there were crying episodes as sometimes the pain bring her to tears and she feels isolated also. After assessing Nasrin problem consultant gave her a questionnaire to do at her home .It is a questionnaire based on Hamilton anxiety rating scale (HAM-A). The main reason for giving this questionnaire to know the severity of symptoms of anxiety in patient. This scale contains 14 items and each of these items distinct by a number of symptoms. This scale calculates both psychic and somatic anxiety. Each item is scaled on 0-4 in which 0 means not present and 4 means severe. Total score range is 0-56 and if a person scores less than 17 it shows less severity and 18-24 means mild to moderate severity 25-30 means moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety ( Guy,1976,Hamilton, 1959). In her next visit Nasrin has to bring that filled questionnaire and consultant assessed those answers. In the next session consultant go through that filled questionnaire and identifies and clarified Nasrin problems by DSM IV checklist. The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is the usual classification regarding mental disorders and is used by mental health professionals in America. This has five axis in which Axis I covers clinical disorders, Axis II includes personality disorders and mental retardation. Axis III includes general medical conditions, Axis IV psychosocial and environmental conditions and Axis IV global assessment of functioning scale (American psychiatric association, 2000). Consultant assesses and found that she has a problem of pain disorder associated with psychological factors. Consultant took a detailed historical background in this visit. When consultant asked Nasrin about her background she told him that she was the youngest in her brother sisters. She has poor health since teenage. She has recurrent headaches from puberty but those head aches were not fit into migraine attacks and her grandmother died when she was 12 and her mother shows sympathy towards her after her grandmothers death. She has chest pain during stress. She was married when she was only 21 years old and left her university study because of her severe headache problem. Her husband left her after two years of her marriage. The reason for her separation was the high expenses due to frequent visits to doctors for her complaint of lower abdomen pain. After her separation she started work as personal assistant for supporting her. She lost her job soon because of continuous absent from her job due to her health problems. After that she shifted to her parents place and stay with them. Consultant listen all the background and gave Nasrin a homework task to maintain a daily pain dairy. In which she has to write at what time she has the pain as the pain starts in morning, afternoon or evening. Where is the pain in the scale of 0-10, in which 0 means no pain, 5 means moderate pain and 10 means worst possible pain. She has to write in dairy that what she was doing when the pain started. Did she take any medicine and what was the dose of that medicine? What were the other treatments she used? After one hour what the pain rate was in the rating scale like is it relived or gone worse. What are the other problems she faces? She has to maintain this daily pain dairy (AGS Foundation for Health in Aging, 2006) for one week till her next visit and bring it with her in her next visit. In her next visit the consultant gone through her daily pain dairy and identify her problem. Consultant done a counseling session about her hobbies and her likes and dislikes with her and in that conversation she told that she was previously used to write a personal dairy daily. But due to her health problems she didnt do this now. By knowing this entire, consultant asked her that why not she again start writing a book on her life and choose this as a smart goal for her. But she said that she is not able to do all this because of her health problems then consultant told her to just give this a try. In smart goal it is specific for Nasrin to write a book on her life story. This is measureable as the book will have 150 pages and her progress would be measured monthly. It will be an attainable goal as if she complete twelve and half pages in a month then she would have 150 pages by the deadline. This smart goal is realistic also as at times it will be difficult for Nasrin to get her tho ughts on paper, so she give herself enough time to complete her book. For time she has to finish this book in twelve months that means twelve and half pages in a month and150 pages in a year. So consultant advised her to work on this smart goal and she agreed on that. Generating Solution: For Nasrin consultant planned cognitive behaviour therapy for 6-12 weeks in which she has to continue her pharmacotherapy that means she has to continue her drugs prescribed by physician. She is advised for relaxation therapy and supportive psychotherapy for her anxiety problem. For relaxation therapy she has to do some relaxation techniques which helps in reducing tension of muscles and improving patients in general feeling of wellness and minimizes anxiety. Deep relaxation for 20-30 minutes reduces general anxiety, reduces the incidence and harshness of panic attacks. These techniques also good for sleeplessness and fatigue. It also increases self confidence and reduces the symptom of self blame (Bourne, 1995). In supportive psychotherapy, patient has to be supported for coping with stressors by many actions like carefully paying attention and cheering expressions regarding thoughts and feelings. Supporting the patient to understand the situation and its alternatives and trying to give a hope to patient (Douglas, 2008). Â   She has advised for some physiotherapy to support and tone up her lower abdominal muscles and keeps her body fit. Consultant advised Nasrin some preferred solutions for her problem. She has advised to do early morning yoga for half an hour. Then after her breakfast she is advised to visit local library for reading books on biographies. And coming back to home relax for some time and do some household works and after lunch go out for shopping and start socialising with friends and neighbours. In the evening watch tele with her parents. After dinner chat for some time with parents. Before going to bed while listening music try to write her biography. She has to follow the same till her next visit. After all these visits Nasrin is quiet satisfied and relaxed. Her episodes of pain are reducing day by day.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Proteus Mirabilis Essay -- Biology Medican Medicine Essays

Proteus Mirabilis Life History: Proteus mirabilis is part of the normal flora of the human gastrointestinal tract. It can also be found free living in water and soil. When this organism, however, enters the urinary tract, wounds, or the lungs it can become pathogenic. Proteus mirabilis commonly causes urinary tract infections and the formation of stones. Microbiological Characteristics: Proteus mirabilis is part of the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is a small gram-negative bacillus and a facultative anaerobe. Proteus mirabilis is characterized by its swarming motility, its ability to ferment maltose, and its inability to ferment lactose. P. mirabilis has the ability to elongate itself and secrete a polysaccharide when in contact with solid surfaces, making it extremely motile on items such as medical equipment. Disease: The most common infection involving Proteus mirabilis occurs when the bacteria moves to the urethra and urinary bladder. Although Proteus mirabilis mostly known to cause urinary tract infections, the majority of urinary tract infections are due to E. coli. One-hundred thousand cfus per milliliter in the urine are usually indicative of a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections caused by P. mirabilis occur usually in patients under long-term catherization. The bacteria have been found to move and create encrustations on the urinary catheters. The encrustations cause the catheter to block. Symptoms for urethritis are mild including frequency of urination and pyuria (presence of white blob cells in the urine). Cystitis (bladder infection) symptoms are easier to distinguish and include back pain, concentrated appearance, urgency, hematuria (presence of red blood cells in the urine), a... ...d ciprofloxin. In cases with severe stone formation, surgery is necessary to remove the blockage. Proteus mirabilis is part of the normal flora of the gastrointestinal tract, and as a result the bacteria enters the urinary tract or infects medical equipment by the fecal route. Consequently, prevention includes good sanitation and hygiene, including proper sterilization of medical equipment. It is also suggested that patients not requiring catherization should not receive catherization, despite its convenience for the caretaker. Sources Cited:$108 file://C:DOCUME~1BobLOCALS~1TempAM8EQCBC.html

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Providences Black Chinese: A Love Story :: China Short Stories Papers

Providence's Black Chinese: A Love Story On the morning of February 23rd, 1901, Chung Yick stood chatting with Mr. Joseph Hoffman, the proprietor of the picture frame shop on the ground floor of the Charles Street house the two men shared with several other tenants. The house wasn't much better than a tenement building, with its dirty wooden face and narrow crooked stairs. A crude sign on one side said "PICTURES" in bold letters, marking the entrance to Hoffman's store. The Yicks lived on the other side, along with the Rileys and the widow Driscoll, who were cramped up on the second floor. Still, it was a decent street to live on, with a mixture of small shops and residential homes and the Mosshassuck River creeping alongside it like an emaciated and sleepy serpent. Chung was a gaunt man in his forties with hollow cheeks and intense brown eyes-he projected a certain gravity that was somehow incongruous with popular notions of the jolly, docile Chinaman. Instead of the traditional Chinese collarless jacket, he sported a conservative brown suit, complete with vest, tie, and polished black shoes. Chung was a cook by trade and a good one, too-well enough respected for the Providence Journal to dub him one of the city's "best-known Chinese restauranteurs." Most likely, he was an employee of the Wah, Yee, Hong & Co. eating house, the Chinese restaurant located closest to his home, just a brisk fifteen-minute walk away at the bottom of College Hill. It was a windy Saturday morning with temperatures well below freezing, and Chung relished these last moments of warmth inside the store before he'd have to venture out into the cold. Several thousand miles away from his old home in southern China, where temperatures fluctuated between hot and hotter, Chung still hadn't quite adjusted to Providence's bitter winters. That walk would be especially brisk today! "John," Mr. Hoffman said suddenly, addressing Chung by his chosen American name, "What's all that racket?" Indeed, some great noise-frantic footsteps and shouting-could be heard coming from the general direction of Chung's kitchen where, minutes earlier, he had left his wife and stepdaughter bustling about their morning chores. "It's a fire!" someone shouted from outside. "The attic's on fire!" The first official Chinese resident in Rhode Island appeared on the state census in 1865, but there may have been at least one "Chinaman" in Providence even earlier.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Healthy Family: Questionnaire

What types of drinks do you usually have during the day and night? I will usually have one bottle of soda half way through the day. The rest of the day is water. How often does your family seek dental care? My children and I visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning. My husband has cleanings every 3 months due to having soft teeth. How often do family members have bowel movements? Urinate? Me: Varies but once every 2-3 days Husband: Every morning after coffee Son 1: once every 1-2 days Son 2: every2-3 days Daughter: 2-3 times a dayAll except Son2, urinate every few hours throughout the day and we are able to go 8 hours at night. Son 2 has a bladder like a horse and does not urinate nearly as often. Are laxatives used in your family? Explain. We do not use stimulant laxatives very often, but on occasion Son2 will need pedialax. Mostly we just make it a point to eat a high fiber diet and drink plenty of fluids to stay regular. How does your family relax? Relaxation starts with me and my husband on one couch and the kids the other couch. During this time we are usually reading, writing, playing games or watching TV.Within an hour or two everyone migrates to the couch were my husband and I are sitting and squishes their way in. By this time I have realized that relaxation time is over and I go find something else to do. What does your family do for enjoyment? Mostly we just like to be outside keeping active. Some of our favorite activities are bike riding, hiking, baseball and hockey. When does your family generally go to bed and awaken? Do family member go to bed and awaken at different times? The children start to prepare for bed at 8:00pm by changing into Pjs brushing teeth and getting in their last glass of water or snack before bed.By 8:30pm they are in bed and they are allowed to read until they fall asleep, no more than 30 minutes though. My husband stays up until 10 and I will usually stay up until about 11:00pm. My husband gets up at 5:30am and lea ves for work at 6:30. I wake up at 6:30 and start waking the children between 6:50 and 7 am. Do any family members work at night? No Are there any hearing or visual problems that affect your family members? Both my Husband and I are near sighted. I require glasses on a daily bases, but my husband only needs them for long drives when his eyes get tired.Son2 seems to have an issue with tracking, but testing is still being done. Does pain seem to be a family problem? Explain how this is managed? Son2 and I both suffer from migraines. This is managed by taking Exedrine for me or Tylenol for him and going into a dark room to rest. Who makes the major family decisions? How? All major Family decisions are discussed between any members they involve and a decision is usually agreed upon. If a no agreement is made then it is up to me to make the decision. Describe the highest education level of all family members? Me: PN certificate Husband: Associates degreeSon1: 5th grade Son2: 1st grade Da ughter: 1st grade Describe the general mood of your family? We are generally happy and relaxed people. We like to take life as it comes and we make it a point not to stress over the little things. How does your family deal with change? Like most families there is an adjustment period whenever things change, but we all seem to handle it well. My husband and I try to keep the kids informed of any changes so they know what to expect. Explain your family responsibilities for house hold chores? Each child has a list of six chores in which they are responsible for every day.Each of their chores has a different degree of difficulty depending on their age. The chores can be small like put away your back pack, sneaker and coat when you walk into the house or bigger chores for my 10 year old would include taking out the trash or emptying the dishwasher. My husband and I fill in the gaps of what the kids missed or are not old enough to do. Explain discipline in your family. How are family memb ers rewarded? Describe any aggression or violence that occurs in your family. I am the one that disciplines the children and decides on punishments.A punishment usually includes me revoking privileges or sending them to their room for a period of time. Spankings are not out of the question in my home, but they almost never used or needed. Family members are reward with praise and on occasion a special treat like a movie night or ice cream. The only aggression or violence you will see in my home are my children fighting. I usually let them work it out, but if they are hurting each other or the argument is lasting too long I will step in. Are contraceptives used? Yes Are parents comfortable answering questions and explaining topics related to sexuality to their children?Yes I discuss these thing with my children separately because they are all different ages they require a different degree of explanation. How does your family cope with major stressors? When we are stressed we just lik e quiet time to think or relax. I often warn people when I come in the door if my day was not good and I just need a few quiet minutes to distress before being asked 100 questions. Who copes with stress the best? That would have to be my husband. He just takes everything as it is and doesn’t really let anything bother him. What does your family want from life?That’s an easy one, to be happy. We don’t have a big house or fancy cars and it is not because we could not afford them if we needed them. We have tried having both parents work full time and we had plenty of money and much nicer cars, but we were always tired and we never spent any time together. We have found that we prefer to work less, have less and spend more time together. That is what makes us happy. What rules do your family hold most important? The one rule that we hold most import in our home is to show respect to everyone. Describe what your family does to try to stay healthy.To try to stay healt hy we have a few simple rules in our house. For nutrition you must try everything on your plate before you are done eating. It does not matter if they are carrots and you know that you don’t like them, taste buds change, so maybe you will like them today. Deserts are rare in my house, but when they are offered you are not eligible for dessert unless you finish your dinner, including the vegetables. For exercise we do not have a formal routine, but we encourage outdoor activities as much and as often as possible. Television and game time is limited to one hour per day in our home and the time must be earned.The children receive a ten minute token for each chore that they complete and they can cash their tokens in after there home work has been completed. From whom does your family seek health care? When? My family seeks health care from our family doctor’s office. We receive our well care physicals each year and any immunization due at that time. We will also seek Healt h care if we have an illness that does not clear up with in a week. We have very few visits to the doctor’s office each year because most illnesses can be treated at home with rest and fluids.